In my zombie-like state this afternoon, following the ten-hour flight and associated terrorism prevention pleasantries of airtravel, I stumbled into Selfridges, just to have a look. Why not. An Israeli friend/London-phile, Y, told me about the food halls in the department stores. Kinda like in Tokyo? Well, not really but sort of, she said.
I am not so sure I want to try these but I almost purchased them for the cute tins. |
I get it now. As soon as I saw the goods, my fatigue turned to mania.
As I strolled along Oxford Street, I kept muttering to myself: "This doesn't feel like London!" Were it not for the British flags hanging like drapes above the streets, wretchedly glorifying the commercialism there, I did not feel like I was in the UK. I know, what do I expect of Oxford Street.
This is Regent Street, which is just as bad but prettier. |
But, the abundance of HAZELNUT chocolate and MARZIPAN in the candy section of Selfridge's reminded me that I was indeed in London, and that the EU is so near. There were candies from France, Germany, Italy and other places--even England!
Chocolate praline "Quail Eggs!" |
Post Script: I went to buy these German marzipan treats three days later: GONE! |
Displays from the food catwalk follow.
A show-off display of Italian nougat, from Italy.
Persian candies, including nougat...
Selfridges has all kinds of luxurious sweets that make tasteful gifts for your divine friends.
How about some champagne truffles:
Now that I have seen Selfridges I have to see Harrod's food hall. I will make myself go there, despite how I loathe crowded tourist traps.
I'll be back. I am falling behind on my food journaling...Am leaving for Paris in less than six hours where I will be food prowling, first thing.